Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Strollin down Newport Pier in the OC

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

For all you teen drama fans

So we went to see the local MTV hot spots and it's sad to say that Laguna Beach is actually pretty cool maybe even a bit niceer than Newport but it doesn't make the show any better! The OC still Rocks (new season starts this week! tee hee!)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Our new pad!

So we've just moved from our first home, a beautiful suburban home with the McNeils, to this rustic beach house in Oceanside - you could say we've landed on our feet! Check out our back yard!

CA Wedding ...

So this weekend I got to help Marian and her girls at a big California style wedding. The girls did an amazing job on all the flowers - more flowers than I have ever seen at a wedding before!! There's a sample of some of them below...
I was so chuffed to help and finally learn how to do a bouquet curtiousy Mrs Buzbee ...

Autumn Flowers

Thursday, October 12, 2006


We wanted to thank everyone who has been thinking and praying for us over the last few weeks. We are feeling a lot better and we have settled into life here in the US of A.
Here's a few pics mostly from our recent trip to Washington DC. We promise to update this blog more often and write something vaguely insightful to let you know how we are... Love D & J x

We're really Here!

Well technically this was taken in DC but it still counts! We went to visit the WWII memorial and we claimed california as our state!

Suburban Life!

Here's THE VAN that takes us down the coast highway every day!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

John's new hobbies

As you can see - John has used his time much more wisely than me (see below!). He's caught THE BUG for film and surf!! I think he was born to be a cali man after all.

Bubbles and Burn!

So guess who put no. 30 all down the font but forgot to put any on her back!!!! Yes I'm that stupid and I paid for it for about 4 days after! Have also turned my hands to more useful tings like blowing bubbles!

Bit of USA

We embraced the American Patrism for the day - couldn't resist a red white and blue Patriot Rocket Lolly!!!

DC site seeing

We took a day to be tourists round DC with the guys from Faith Academy .... all lead by the great tour guide Rachel!!

Peaches & JWilly

Many Many years ago a young man named Pete taught John to play the guitar.... here they are 10 years later .....

DC Wedding

The main reason for the trip of course was to see John's old room mate, Tim get wed! He and Candice were married on saturday in an Auntumnal DC! Congratulations Mr & Mrs Hong!!! (you can click on any of the images to make them larger)