Monday, December 11, 2006

A dream come true

Thank you for everyone who has written, thought, prayed and skyped us in the last 3 months! We really appreciate your support.

Going to California was a small pipe dream for John and I and it turned out to be one the most significant times of our lives. We experienced both highs and lows while away but it all seemed to add to to the richness of our experience.

It's strange to be back to colder climates but we look forward to catching up with as many of you as possible really soon. x

Monday, November 13, 2006


Sorry CJMAIN but I think we've been replaced - I don't think we can compete cos this Chris has a board, wetsuit and the ocean and my rival Angel has those puppy dog eyes that he just can't say no to!!!
Nevermind ... we'll win him back at Christmas with his other great love ... grub!

Introducing ...

Beth ... Jon & Rachael ... & ... Nacho Buzbee

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Blogspot breakdown!

Well I have to eat the humble myspace pie ... Blogspot seems to be on meltdown and can barely upload anything so I may have to convert to the darkside of myspace!!!!
We're sorry there's not more exciting pics on here. We will try to put something up on one site somewhere soon!! We've taken a thousand pics so far so it's hard to choose but I have had requests for more people ones so I will try my best.
D x

Friday, November 03, 2006

A special 21st message....

Sorry we can't be there to celebrate with you... love J&Dx

Feelin at Home

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Strollin down Newport Pier in the OC

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

For all you teen drama fans

So we went to see the local MTV hot spots and it's sad to say that Laguna Beach is actually pretty cool maybe even a bit niceer than Newport but it doesn't make the show any better! The OC still Rocks (new season starts this week! tee hee!)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Our new pad!

So we've just moved from our first home, a beautiful suburban home with the McNeils, to this rustic beach house in Oceanside - you could say we've landed on our feet! Check out our back yard!

CA Wedding ...

So this weekend I got to help Marian and her girls at a big California style wedding. The girls did an amazing job on all the flowers - more flowers than I have ever seen at a wedding before!! There's a sample of some of them below...
I was so chuffed to help and finally learn how to do a bouquet curtiousy Mrs Buzbee ...

Autumn Flowers